Key Concepts in Customer AI
Get started by familiarizing yourself with the key concepts in Customer AI.
Key Concepts
Concept | Description |
Mention | A mention is a self-contained piece of text such as a single support ticket reply, review or survey response. |
Integration | Integration is a data source which feeds mentions into Playvox Customer AI, i.e. Intercom or Zapier. |
Topic | Topics are structures for tracking related mentions together based on the defined keyword criteria. |
Subtopic | Subtopics act much like Topics but live inside Topics and are used to sub-divide them into more specific segments. |
Keyword | A keyword is a word or a phrase which help define Topic and Subtopic criteria. |
Project | Projects are used to group related topics together. They inherit mentions from child Topics. |
Topic Suggestion | Topic Suggestions are draft Topics based on frequently mention keywords discovered in your Mentions. |