How to use Projects?
You can use Projects to track high-level themes by organising related topics into projects. This will make it easy to track the collective performance of a group of topics and compare their contribution to the project.
Use Cases
- Bug tracking - create a topic for each known technical issue and assign all of them to the "Bugs" project to track the quality of your product and identify the bugs that impact it the most;
- Feature requests - collate all feature requests into a single project to easily compare the volume and sentiment trends associated with each request;
- Common questions - it can be useful to create a topic for each popular question and collate them into one project. This will help you compare how much volume is driven by questions vs bugs vs feature requests.
- Organise topics by department - different teams will be responsible for different aspects of your product or service. You can use Projects to organise topics by the team or department which is responsible for tracking them, e.g. "Product Team", "Support Team" or "Marketing Team".
How to add Topics to Projects?
There are a few ways to add topics to projects.
Add a Topic to a Project from Topic Report
The quickest way to group topics into projects is from the Topic Report view by clicking Add to project and searching for or creating a new project.
Add a Topic to a Project from Topic View
You can also add a topic to a project when creating or editing a topic.
- Open a topic you want to add to a project
- In the top right, click Edit Topic
- Locate the Projects section
- Start typing the name of the project. Existing projects that match your entry will start appearing but if it doesn't exist you can create a new one.
Can a Topic appear in multiple projects?
Yes, a topic can belong to multiple projects at the same time.
Project Reporting
Projects Report
You can manage and track projects in the Projects tab. Here you can:
- See project performance for a given timeframe
- Compare projects by Volume, Volume change, Trend and Sentiment
- See topics belonging to each project and their metrics
- Change projects that topics belong to
- Archive or merge topics in bulk
Project detail view
You can also explore each project in more detail by clicking on the project name in the Projects tab. Here you can:
- Chart the performance of a collection of topics to identify trends
- See the sentiment breakdown for a collection of topics
- Quickly switch between topics to inspect how each topic is contributing to the project
- Explore the collective mentions from all topics belonging to the project
You will also see up to ten projects in the Dashboard tab as a project summary alongside the key metrics like volume, change, trend and sentiment. This view is helpful for quickly gauging how your different projects are performing at a glance.